Governors, staff and pupils at Lodge Lane Infant School would like to welcome you to our website.
Our approach to learning, which is based on Imaginative Inquiry, offers a creative and dynamic curriculum with a wide range of opportunities for our pupils to experience. Children enjoy coming to Lodge Lane, where we strive to ensure they develop a positive attitude towards learning.
Children in Year 2 have been inspired by the work of Clarice Cliff to create a clay coil pot. Then they created their designs based on the bright colours and simple shapes she uses in her work before painting their pots very carefully. They are so proud of how they have turned out!
06 Feb 2025We teach esafety regularly to the children, revisiting the topic frequently in a range of different ways - through stories, websites and through direct teaching. Here, Y1 children are learning from a character called Sid about his top tips for staying safe online. Here is a really useful website to look at with your children to explore this very important area further. Why not take a look?
04 Feb 2025Teachers and children have been working hard on developing our children's writing skills this year. We use nine writers' lenses to help us generate ideas for writing. Children in Year 1 went on a walk to help them think of ideas for their writing of Little Red Riding Hood. This is the 'seeing' lens. Which words can you think of to describe what you can see?
27 Jan 2025An important early maths skills is 'subitising'. This is the ability to look at a small set of objects and know how many there are without counting them. Children in Reception have been working hard on this skill. Can you try at home? Put your hands behind your back and then hold up some fingers. Can you tell how many there are without counting?
23 Jan 2025This term, our whole school value is perseverance. We have been hearing lots of stories in assembly about perseverance and have been thinking hard about what it means to persevere. These Y1 children have really put their learning into practice by persevering with this puzzle. We know that we never give up and we know that good learning can take a long time!
21 Jan 2025