Lodge Lane

Infant School

100th Day of School 2023

Thursday 23rd February 2023 was the 100th Day of School! 

Year 2 had been counting each day since September, and were excited to celebrate. At home, the children made models, pictures and creations using 100. There were so many amazing ideas - 100 flags sorted into continents, 100 photos, a picture with 100 flowers, a hedgehog with 100 spikes! The children really enjoyed sharing what they had made and looking at what their friends had done. 




We did lots of fun activities during the day, based around the number 100. We made delicious snacks using 100 pieces of food,

drew monsters with 100 features, played Bingo to 100 and made paper chains with 100 links, to name but a few!    




Outside, we tried to throw and catch a rugby ball 100 times, do 100 skips and star jumps, and hit a ball 100 times with a tennis racket. 

 It was very tiring! 

Everyone had a great day!