Wensum</h1><h1>English Hub


The UKLA/OU Quality Mark recognises and rewards schools which have developed, embedded and enriched their RfP culture and ethos with recognisable impact on staff knowledge and practice,  on parents and on young people’s recreational reading.  

Applying for and gaining the UKLA/OU Quality Mark is a highly supportive year long process. Each school will mentored by an expert in reading for pleasure research and practice who will help schools audit their provision, decide whether to apply for a silver, gold or platinum award and prepare their impact statement and final submission.  

In 2023-2024,  following the RfP CPD and QM Introductory Session in Apriljust 25 schools will be selected to work toward the Quality Mark. The launch for these schools is on 14th June 1-3pm. 

Achieving the UKLA/OU Quality Mark  will position your school as a centre of excellence for nurturing young readers who choose to read widely and frequently within and beyond school.  

If you are interested in hearing more about this opportunity, you are invited to register for the RfP CPD and QM Introductory session to find out more, to be supported in deciding whether to apply and to be informed about additional RfP opportunities. Please bring an ace children’s book with you. 

This takes place on Thursday 20th April: 2pm- 4pm. 

UKLA members and non-members are welcome.  

The session will:  

  • Provide research-informed CPD on RfP
  • Introduce the QM selection process
  • Share additional RfP opportunities


To register for the session follow this link:  https://www.trybooking.co.uk/CETK – the session costs £40. This will be refunded against the cost of the QM for schools accepted onto the programme.