Burnham Market

Primary School

Dolphin Class

Local Memories, Broadening Horizons

The teaching team in Dolphin class are Mrs Newport, Mr Bates, Mrs Cornwall, Miss Richardson, Mrs Whitlock and Miss Boohan.  

We also have subject specialists teaching some areas of the curriculum (Mrs Furnell teaches Music every week; Mrs Morrell leads P.E. every week).

Please click on the items below to find out what Dolphin Class were learning about this term.


In English this term, the children will be exploring the new literacy classic, The Lion and the uniorn by Shirley Hughes.  "Evacuated during the Second World War, Lenny takes with him a badge given to him by his father, depicting a lion and a unicorn fighting. Lenny is bullied by the children at his new school, but draws courage from his father's badge, and comes to terms with his fear and loneliness when he befriends Mick."


Children will take part in guided reading sessions each week in which we explore and respond to a variety of quality texts, including activities which will build our verbal and written comprehension skills.  Those children who are still learning the fundamental skills of decoding will continue to take part in Read Write Inc. phonics sessions and will take home books linked to their development and learning from these sessions. Children who are fluent and confident readers will have access to a wide range of books to choose from for their reading.  Every child will visit our wonderful library and take home a book of their choice to read independently or share with their family each week.

Reading is an integral part of our learning in Dolphin Class. We love our class story time as it is really cosy when we all sit together and share a story.  We like thinking about the characters and plots and discovering new vocabulary that we can use in our own writing.  We have a wonderful reading area full of a wide range of quality texts outside our classroom that children are encouraged to explore freely, voluntarily and with delight.  We use Wise about Words techniques to share and explore stories and to promote a deeper love of stories amongst our children. It helps us to develop a richer vocabulary, build confidence and increase emotional literacy. Immersing our children in stories and drama will help them to overcome barriers to their learning.  We want our children to love to read and explore books because reading is an adventure that never ends.


Building on children's prior learning around place value, this term the children will explore addition, subtraction and multiplication . The children will do this by taking part in daily morning maths lessons, as well as investigative maths-focused sessions in the afternoon. As part of their learning, they'll use arrays, bar models and other pictorial methods to demonstrate and build a greater understanding of numbers.


Discovery Learning

Moving on from our previous unit, this term we will be investigating the life of Evacuee children during World War 2. The children will also be focusing on geography, as they explore the differences and similarities between regions in the U.K. and other parts of Europe. As part of this, the class will be learning how to use maps, globes and digital tools to locate areas around Europe and the world. 


This half-term we will be investigating Plants. As part of our learning, we'll be looking at how plants grow, as well as labelling the different parts of the plant in it's life cycle. 

Much of our learning will be linked with our woodland area. 


This half-term we will be focusing on the question, 'What is philosophy?  How do people make moral decisions? Whole term theme' As part of the 'Big question', we'll be discussing different philosophers and their different points of view and ideas.


Pupils in Dolphin Class will be learning about 'Our bodies' and learning how to keep hygenic and healthy. We'll also be looking at how babies are born and then grow into adults. 

This will also be a focus in our Wise About Words sessions where we learn to portray their different relationships.  These are important skills because when children are more socially and emotionally aware and skilled, they find it easier to manage and maintain relationships with others, stay regulated and calm down and develop their resilience and problem-solving skills for when challenges arise.


In Art, the children will be creating interesting and creative pieces for the Burnham Ovary art exhibition. As part of this,  we will be exploring a variety of different brushes to learn what effects can be created.  We will learn to use the language of colour when mixing, such as shade and tint.  Children will have the opportunity to experiment with using colour for effect and to create moods.  They will be developing their brush skills and techniques.

In D.T., children will be developing their understanding of nutrition. As part of their learning, they'll investigate what makes a healthy diet and what makes good lifestyle choices. 



This term, children will have the opportunity to build upon the knowledge and skills gained in KS1 and compose different rhythm patterns and transfer these to tuned instruments. They will learn to rap and play rhythmically and explore dynamic contrast. They will also be developing their listening skills by identifying the notes in a simple melody. They will listen to music by different composers, broadening their horizons outside the music they may usually listen to.


We will be focusing on coding. As part of this, we'll be looking at basic coding skills, debugging and algorithms. We'll also be using Scratch to run and make programmes.


We use the Rigolo programme to teach French.  The children will follow the amazing adventures of Jake, Polly and Bof as they discover France and the French language through lively interactions and colourful stories. This provides us with the opportunity to broaden their horizons by not only exploring another language, but learning about the country itself.  This half term the children will learn basic greetings in French, learn how to talk about their family and know the basic colour names in French.


Outdoor learning will take place on Monday afternoon. It is important that your child comes dressed in long sleeves and trousers and has a change of footwear.  We are so lucky to have our own woodland on-site and so the children have the opportunity to access outdoor learning every week.  Having our own woodland gives children the opportunity to develop their respect for the natural world, which ties in with our core values.  They develop resilience and problem-solving skills through challenges and wild play in the woods, as well as broadening their horizons by learning and developing their outdoor survival skills such as shelter building and fire lighting.  


P.E. lessons take place twice a week, with Wednesday afternoon sessions led by Mrs Morrell and the Friday afternoon sessions being led by Mr Bates.

In P.E., children will be developing their strength, movement and flexibility as they develop their athletics and cricket skills. This term, the Year 3s will also be swimming on Wednesday afternoon.

Class Dojo

Class Dojo is our main form of communication with parents. If you have not yet signed up for Class Dojo and would like to, please do not hesitate to come and see us.  We are more than happy to help if you are having difficulty accessing this.  It's a great space where you can view photos, videos and information about all the amazing things that are happening in our classroom and around the school. It gives you the chance to see what your children have been learning in school each week, giving you the opportunity to talk to them at home about what they have been doing.

Home Learning

Home learning in Dolphin class is about reading every day either to an adult, a sibling or to themselves.

The year four children will be undertaking the National times table check in the summer term and it is essential they practice their times tables regularly.

There is a pick and mix homework menu which enriches the discovery learning we are doing in class. Pick a task, complete it and post your work on Dojo.


Please make sure all of your child’s possessions are labelled. Children do not need to bring toys or pencil cases into school. Children should wear PE kit to school on Wednesday and Friday. Woodland is on Monday and children need to wear sturdy, outdoor clothing.