Hellesdon Sixth Form

Student Opportunities

Beyond an outstanding sixth form education, we also provide a host of enrichment opportunities outside the classroom. These activities provide valuable experiences and additional skill sets. 


Ranging from subject trips to our weekly conference, where students hear from guest speakers on diverse areas such as political and environment issues, and health topics.


All students have work experience as part of their Programme of Study, aimed to enhance their future prospects with guidance on interviews and application processes.

The opportunity to become a Student Leader is highly valued by our students - whether that is mentoring younger pupils or being part of the Senior Student Leadership Team, helping to shape the student experience at Hellesdon.  

"Being Head Student enables me to communicate student ideas to staff to effect changes within the Sixth Form. It also allows me to organise fundraising events for our chosen charities, as well as attempt to host the best Year 13 Ball possible."

Year 13 Student