
Junior School

Extra back to school information

 Just a few reminders and notes about returning to school next week:

- A reminder that Year 3 and Year 6 return to school on Monday 7th September and Year 4 and Year 5 return on Tuesday 8th September. Please refer to the email sent out two weeks ago regarding staggered entry and exit times according to your child's surname.

- We have asked that children bring limited belongings to school (i.e. lunch, water bottle, coat and book bag). A water bottle will be vital as our water fountains are not currently in use.

- We know that many children left school in March with a school reading book. We will be putting a book box by the entry / exit doors from Monday. Please place any school books in these boxes from Monday to be returned to the school library.

- For children who are going into Year 4, 5 and 6, they will need to bring an empty carrier bag in order to bring their books home from last year.

- If you have booked your child into Breakfast club or After school club, this will be starting from Monday 7th September.