
Junior School

Yellow and green day (Friday 11 June)

A few years ago, we took part in 'Norfolk Welcomes: Day of Unity'.  This is an event to "Help students, teachers and our wider communities to understand what it really means to be seeking sanctuary". The mission of Norfolk Welcomes is to extend a welcome to everyone as equal, valued members of our school communities and to celebrate the contributions that refugees and asylum seekers can make. It also introduces children to Norfolk's long and rich history as a place of refuge and helps create a culture of welcome to those seeking sanctuary. It will take place this year on Friday 11 June and we will be taking part.

To recognise the day, we are going to have a yellow and green themed non-uniform day (no charge) this Friday (11 June). On this occasion we will allow yellow/green football tops.

All year groups will also take part in activities during the day as part of the Norfolk Welcomes Day.

You can find out more about it via their website