
Junior School

YR6 Eaton Vale - Arrangements

Arrangements for drop off and collection for the Year 6 Eaton Vale trip

Drop off on Monday morning

On Monday morning, children should arrive at the normal time. If they attend Breakfast Club they should bring their bags through to Breakfast Club.

When children arrive at school, they will leave their cases in the quads as directed by school staff.

Once all the children have been registered, those staying at school with Mrs Latimer will go to the hall to start their activities.

If your child requires any medication for the trip, this should be handed directly to Mrs Davidson.

Collection on Wednesday

We are aiming to be back at 2pm on Wednesday unless you hear otherwise from school. Parents should collect their children from the playground so that we can ensure we know who has left the premises. Please do not try to take your child as they are leaving the bus as this can cause confusion for teachers and staff trying to manage everything.

If you have any younger siblings that you wish to collect at the same time, please go round to the front office after collecting your Year 6 child. Your Year 6 child will then be allowed through the office to collect their younger sibling(s).

If your child is staying in school for After School Club, they will wait with the Year 6 team until 3:15pm.