Arden Grove Infant

& Nursery School

​​​​​​​Broads Beat Visit

As part of their learning about being Water Protectors, Year 2 had a visit from the Broads Beat team. 

We were really excited to welcome Paul and Amy from the Broads Beat team to help Year 2 find out more about being safe on the Norfolk Broads. In Literacy, Year 2 have been reading the story of 'The Water Protectors'.

Librarians Hesitate on We Are Water Protectors - Intellectual Freedom Blog

We were excited to learn more about the Norfolk Broads and how special and important they are. Paul showed some of the equipment they use when helping and rescuing people on the Norfolk Broads. 

We learnt about what the different things were for and how to use them if we needed to help someone struggling in the water. 

Year 2 were lucky enough to go on board the Broads Beat boat, using the lights and sirens and the loudspeaker.  All of our friends from Reception, Year 1 and Nursery came to visit the boat too.