RNLI Visit- Do Something Amazing Everyday

Year 2 really enjoyed meeting Alfred from the RNLI as part of their learning about Saving Lives at Sea.
This half term our Ks1 classes' learning is linked to the seaside and the north Norfolk coast. In Reception they enjoyed their trip to the seaside and these topics build on this memorable experience as well as making links to our local area.
Year 2 are finding out about saving lives at sea, now and in the past. They have researched the famous local life boat hero Henry Blogg from Cromer and how his job to save lives at sea looked in the past. We were lucky to have a visit from Alfrer at the RNLI to talk to us about how he job has changed since Henry Bloggs time but it is still just as dangerous and important.
Alfred showed us photos of the boats and equipment he uses in his role and we were very curious, asking questions to find out more and if we would like to aspire to be a volunteer in the RNLI.