Collection for Turkey / Syria Earthquake appeal tomorrow!

Two of our Year 5 children came to Mrs Robinson, Mr Keer and Mrs Seagrave today with a letter. It said:
"We had an idea that we think the school should do. We should help Turkey and Syria after the earthquake. Buildings have collapsed down and people are underneath the broken down buildings. We think Firside Junior School should help by donating money. This Friday, maybe we could bring as much money as we can give to donate it."
We think this is a fantastic idea and we want to help the girls with their suggestion. Therefore, we will have collection buckets on the playground tomorrow morning for cash donations or you could donate online using the link below if you wish to. There are also several other reliable online charity collectors that you can donate to. All the cash donated will go directly to charities supporting those affected.
Thank you to the girls for their thoughtful idea to help these people in crisis.