
Junior School

Father's Day messages Norwich Evening News 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

Following their successful Mother’s Day campaign in March, the Norwich Evening News will be celebrating Father’s  Day again by publishing a special supplement full of children’s messages.  This unique feature will offer pupils the opportunity to use their creative writing skills to compose a short message to their Dad, Guardian, Grandpa, etc. which will then be published in the Norwich Evening News on Saturday 17 June 2023. All messages will be published free of charge.  This is a great activity for children of any age to be involved in and makes a great keepsake for parents.

If you would like your child to participate, please complete the Google formPlease note that messages must follow the format below:

Surname, First name of message recipient – child’s message (max 25 words) – who the message is from

e.g. Smith, Andrew – Daddy I love you. You are the greatest ever! Love from Samantha xx

If the parent / carer does not wish to have their name in the paper, you can simply write the message but leave the name off or simply put Daddy, Grandpa etc

Children can submit more than one message if required. Siblings may submit their own message – simply complete more than one Google Form.

Messages must be submitted by 3:15pm on Wednesday 24 May at the very latest. Messages received after this time will not be able to be included as the newspaper have a strict deadline for us to submit the messages. 

Any problems, please contact Mrs Seagrave who is organising this.