Important reminders
Please see below some important reminders of upcoming events:
Christmas Lunch ordering
Please ensure you order your child's Christmas lunch through Scopay by Friday 18 November. Please select "S" for the main hot dinner or "V" for the vegetarian option.
YR3 & 4 - Wednesday 7 December 2022
YR5 & 6 - Thursday 8 December 2022
Please be advised that we will not be offering any other lunch options of these dates. Children that are entitled to Free School Meals will be able to order a packed lunch option only on the day they are NOT eating their Christmas meal. For example, if your child is eating their Christmas lunch on Wednesday, they can order a packed lunch on Thursday if required.
Thursday 17 November - Cake Sale
Any donations can be left at reception, please ensure a full list of ingredients are left with the cakes/biscuits. This will take place in the school hall at the end of the day. Please wait on the playground until pick up time when you can collect your child and make your way into the hall. Please note this is CASH ONLY event and will cost between 20p and 50p.
Friday 18 November - Non-Uniform & Optional Crazy hair day
In support of Children in Need, Friday will be non-uniform and children can have crazy hairstyles if they wish. Please note, if your child has a swimming lesson on this day we politely ask that they do not wear any hair dye/glitter as this may prevent them from their swimming lesson.
Monday 21 / Tuesday 22 November - Scholastic Book Fair
This is an opportunity for children and parents to buy books from a huge list of titles. The more money the school raises from book sales, the more the school can earn back in books. This book sale will take place in the school hall from 2:45pm. A perfect opportunity for Christmas present buying!! Please note that all payments will be electronic through scanning a QR code. Please note that Rock Notes cancelled
Friday 25 November - Friends of Firside Non-uniform
On Friday 25 November, we are holding a non-uniform to collect donations of items for our Christmas hamper raffle. So that we receive a range of items, we are asking that children bring the following items in return for a non-uniform day:
Year 3 & 4 - smellies, small gift sets or candles.
Year 5 & 6 - Chocolates, sweets or biscuits.
Thursday 1 December - Flu Clinic catch up session
If your child missed the Flu Immunisation clinic last week, we are running a catch-up session on Thursday 1 December and you can consent using this form.
Friday 2 December - School Disco
Friends of Firside will be running their Merry Christmas Disco. Entry fee £3 payable via Scopay and includes tuck shop and drinks.
Tuesday 13 / Wednesday 14 December - Christmas Performances
Please see the timings below for the Christmas Performances, we anticipate this to last around 40minutes
Year 5 - Tuesday 13 December - 09:30am Year 6 - Wednesday 14 December - 09:30am
Year 3 - Tuesday 13 December - 13:45pm Year 4 - Wednesday 14 December - 13:45pm
Friday 16 December - Last day of term
Free non-uniform day with optional Christmas jumpers. School finishes at 13:30pm. Please note that there will be no after school club on this day.