
Junior School

Pick up and drop off update

Thank you for all your support so far with our new arrangements for the start and end of the day. We appreciate there may have been some teething problems and we have taken on board feedback we have received.

The main issue seems to be that some parents are arriving before their allocated time slot and are therefore having to wait around the entrances. This has also caused people to block pathways from the back playground to the front gates and at the Meadow Way gate. Please note the Meadow Way gate will not be open at home time until 3:05pm due to safeguarding of pupils.

Could we please ask for all Year 4 and Year 6 parents to wait outside of the Year 4 / Year 6 classrooms where the parking spaces are at the front of school to avoid congestion around the gate and onto the pathways on the road. Please do not wait around the gate or on the yellow hashed areas.

It would be really helpful if parents do not turn up early for their time slot. If you are travelling by car, please stay in your car until your time slot. If you are walking / cycling please time your journey to arrive at your time slot and not before.

When you are dropping off your child, it should just be a 'drop off' so that we do not have a large number of adults gathering and waiting in one place. If you arrive at your allocated time, your child will be able to walk straight into school.

At home time, please do not arrive earlier than your allocated time slot. As soon as you have your child, please leave the school site as quickly as possible.

We have had some parents concerned that not all adults are social distancing around the school site. Please adhere to government guidelines for social distancing.