Our Curriculum
Our School Curriculum
We have carefully designed our curriculum to inspire and develop the knowledge and skills of children that come to our school. We want our children to be happy and form secure, positive relationships with the staff and other children. We want all children to know more and remember more so we take time to develop key skills that will enable each and every child to become a successful learner.
We know supporting our children to be emotionally regulated is the key to unlocking children’s long-term, positive mental health and their academic success. Our curriculum develops children holistically; we want our curriculum to not only support all aspects of our children’s development for the time they are with us but help them as they transition to their next step of education.
Guided by the National Curriculum and Early Years Curriculum requirements and expectations we have developed a framework of skills and knowledge, in all subjects, that progress from Nursery through to Year Two. Our curriculum themes have evolved from our knowledge about our children and their families and by making meaningful links between home, school and the wider community we can embed deep learning. Hellesdon in our hearts, the world at our feet will capture the imagination of our children and help them learn from their immediate environment as well as have aspirations for their future.
Our Values are key to our curriculum and are embedded in all we do for more information see 'Our Curriculum' below. You can read more about individual subjects below.
For more information about our EYFS curriculum and goals please also see below.
If you would like to find out more about our school curriculum please contact the school office: office@ardengrove.norfolk.sch.uk
Speaking and Listening are fundamental skills and we appreciate the importance of teaching and supporting these from a young age. We encourage the children to work collaboratively, share their thoughts and ideas and practise speaking in sentences before being expected to write them. Children who struggle with communication and language are quickly identified and supported. In the Early Years, writing is taught through shared writing and small group work, this is guided by Development Matters. Within Key Stage 1 we are guided by the expectations in the National Curriculum and we teach writing within our literacy lessons, using lessons from the Literacy Tree scheme. In Literacy we write everyday and use a range of hooks, prompts and scaffolds to make writing enjoyable and meaningful. We use high-quality texts suggested by the Literacy tree as a foundation for high-quality writing. We encourage children to write across the curriculum in different subjects as well as ensuring children enjoy the chance to hear stories and take part in drama through our Wise about Words partnership with Norwich Theatre. |
Phonics and reading
In the programme children learn sounds and the letters that represent them, and how to form the letters. Then, they read books written using only the letters they have learnt (and a small number of separately taught 'tricky words'). This gives the children plenty of early success and builds up their reading confidence. Information and guidance on the Read Write Inc. programme and its mission can be obtained by following this link:https://www.ruthmiskin.com/en/about-us/mission/ As a school, we understand the importance of reading for pleasure and make time each day to share stories together as a class everyday. Some classes vote for which book they would like to hear that day. Children then bring home book bag books which are from the Read Write Inc programme and are at the child’s appropriate level. Because we value the importance of children reading at home, we encourage them to take books home to share with parents and carers in addition to their 'scheme' reading book-bag-books. This link gives information for parents on how you can support your child reading at home. https://www.ruthmiskin.com/en/parents-copy-2/ |
At Arden Grove Infant and Nursery all of our children are Mathematicians and as we are beginning our journey towards teaching mastery we encourage every child to have a growth mindset. We use aspects from the White Rose Hub Maths resources who share our vision that #Mathseveryonecan.
All pupils are encouraged to be the best they can be and are taught the knowledge and skills needed to access mathematics within every lesson. Our aspirational pupils are taught to independently select their level of challenge in most lessons, which positively impacts on attitudes to mathematics. All contributions are valued within mathematics learning and pupils know to persevere when faced with a challenge and mistakes are celebrated.. Teachers model resilient behaviours and both pupils and staff use their executive function characters to be effective and reflective learners.
When teaching, maths children are exposed to concrete, pictorial and abstract representations. Pupils use manipulatives and have access to these during every mathematics lesson. We follow the White Rose Hub small steps and our working walls are a supportive tool to help all children remember previous learning in order to gain new knowledge.
From Reception and into Key Stage One, children take part in regular Mastering Number sessions. These are 10 minute sessions outside of the main Maths lesson where children learn and practise skills to improve their number knowledge and fleuncy.
At Arden Grove we offer a Physical Education Curriculum where we aim to inspire all children to succeed and participate in physical activities. Lessons are taught in a safe and supportive environment and guided by the REAL PE scheme. We promote a joy for physical activity and provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident. This will support their health and fitness and mental well being to then lead active, healthy lifestyles. We aim to inspire pupils to be more physically active, giving opportunities to take part in Physical activity and competitions that build character and help to embed values such as fairness, team work and respect. Lessons develop the children’s Fundamental skills of agility, balance and co ordination as well as develop social and personal skills. We offer a range of afterschool clubs as well as the chance to take part in games at local High Schools with other schools. For more information about how Physical Education is part of our wider school, please see the Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies tab under Our School.
Vision for Science |
Science |
In Science I will learn to ask questions about why things happen in the world around me and find out answers by investigating and testing. People who work in science are called scientists. |
Nurturing Young Scientists in Our Local Community At Arden Grove Infant and Nursery School, we believe in fostering a love for science from the very beginning. Our vision is to be an inclusive learning environment where every child is encouraged to explore, discover, and develop their unique potential as a budding scientist. Rooted in our local community, we prioritise creating a welcoming atmosphere that respects and celebrates the diversity and unique starting points of all our learners. Our Commitment to Inclusive Learning We are dedicated to ensuring that every child has the opportunity to engage in hands-on scientific exploration. Our curriculum is designed to be sequential, allowing children to build on their knowledge and skills over time. We provide multiple opportunities for students to revisit concepts, deepening their understanding and encouraging a growth mindset. Engagement with the Local Community Recognizing the importance of our locality, we integrate local resources and expertise into our science programs. This connection not only enhances learning but also helps children appreciate their environment and community. We believe that the best learning happens when children can relate their discoveries to the world around them. Empowering Future Scientists At Arden Grove, we are committed to developing confident, curious, and compassionate young scientists. Through exploration, experimentation, and collaboration, we inspire our students to ask questions, seek answers, and develop a lifelong passion for learning. Join us on this exciting journey as we cultivate the next generation of scientific thinkers, rooted in community and committed to inclusion for all. |
Vision for Computing |
Computing |
In Computing I learn how a computer follows instructions and how to make a technology work through programming and how to use the internet responsibly and safely. Many jobs use technology but people who work in computing are called programmers and coders. |
We believe that computing has a very vital role to play in this generation of young children. Technology already forms an important part of their lives and this role will be even greater in years to come as we begin to prepare our computer scientists for jobs which are yet to be invented. We use computing in many areas of the curriculum to enrich learning opportunities, while also empowering children to conscientious and critical digital citizens. We use the Governments Teach Computing Curriculum and resources to support planning and progression of skills and knowledge. It teaches the major themes: algorithms, computing systems, creating media, data and information, design and development, effective use of tools, programming, safety and security in a safe and child appropriate style. The school recognises the importance and it’s duty to keep children safe online and holds regular online safety events as well as online safety lessons. |
Vision for History |
History |
In History I will find out about people, events and objects from the past. People who study history are called historians. |
At Arden Grove when teaching History we begin in the very recent past, looking at the children’s own history; their family experiences and photographs. We also focus on local changes. The use of historical artefacts and visits to local places of interest help children to understand how and why changes occur. We commemorate significant historical events and use stories from the past to help the pupils' historical understanding. We encourage and develop deeper thinking, historical vocabulary, asking questions and the forming of opinions based on what we have found out. Each class has a timeline with significant events to help children develop chronological awareness as well as a sense of world and British History. |
Vision for Geography |
Geography |
In Geography I will learn about the natural and human parts of the world. People who study Geography are called geographers. |
At Arden Grove, we recognise that geography should develop a child’s natural curiosity and fascination about the world. We ensure all of our learning starts with the children’s local area, encouraging children to explore the school grounds and surrounding area from the Nursery. This will lead to a greater understanding of places, people and a greater awareness of their own place within our world and community. It should help to provoke and provide answers to questions about both natural and human aspects of the world. We want children to feel connected to the world around them and recognise the important part we all play in looking after it. Children will have opportunities to explore and investigate their local area using geographical fieldwork skills and they will seek to make comparisons with other regions in the United Kingdom and the rest of the world. They will learn how to draw and interpret maps of their school, local area, United Kingdom and the world. Through carefully planned experiences, children will develop skills that enable them to recognise, describe, explain, compare and evaluate natural and human aspects of the world, gaining respect and appreciation of the world we live in, different cultures and ways of life. We encourage and develop deeper thinking, geographical vocabulary, by asking questions and forming opinions based on what we have found out. |
Vision for Art |
Art and Design |
In Art I look at and create paintings, drawings, sculptures using lots of different materials. People who produce art are called artists, painters, sculptors or designers |
Our curriculum aims to help the children develop creatively and to foster an understanding and enjoyment of art, throughout the school. In Art & Design lessons children are taught to represent in visual form what they observe, remember and imagine. They are encouraged to develop skills sequentially in the area of drawing, painting, 3D, textiles and digitally. Our Children work practically and imaginatively with a variety of materials, tools and methods, exploring the elements of art and design, including colour mixing, texture, pattern and form in two and three dimensions. Children are taught skills to help them succeed in using different mediums, media and materials and final pieces are celebrated as well as the process. |
Design and Technology
Vision for Design and Technology |
Design and Technology |
Design and technology is where I explore designing and making products for a purpose, and then evaluating how successful they are. People who work in Design and Technology are designers, testers and manufacturers. |
Design and Technology skills are taught through projects within a learning theme, structured through the steps of test, plan, make, evaluate. In Design and Technology, children are taught new skills and techniques as well as practising previous ones. These skills are then used creatively to design and make objects for a purpose using a range of tools and materials. Children are introduced to following a design criteria and to select the materials and tools they will need. Children are encouraged to evaluate their finished work to see which elements were successful, and how they could improve their work. |
At Arden Grove Infant and Nursery we encourage children to participate in a variety of appreciating music, singing and playing instruments through which we aim to build up the confidence of all children. Music is a creative and enjoyable activity. The children take part in a weekly singing assembly which helps our children feel part of our school community. We provide opportunities for all children to create, play, perform and enjoy music, to develop the skills to appreciate a wide variety of musical forms and genres from diverse musicians old and new. We are linked to Norwich Theatre Royal and look forward to developing these links to allow children to experience more live and diverse music in the future.
We use resources from SingUp which encourages children to appreciate a genre of music before learning songs from it and composing their own pieces linked to their previous learning about that style of music. In Year 2 the children also have the oppurtunity to attend weekly choir practise.
Vision for Religious Education |
In Religious Education I learn about different religions of the world and their traditions, practices and beliefs. I accept and celebrate how everyone’s lives are unique and may have things that are the same or different. |
The Religious Education curriculum is taught in accordance with the new Norfolk Agreed Syllabus, a copy of which may be viewed Norfolk Agreed Syllabus 2019 The children are taught to have respect for people’s beliefs focusing on the religions of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and people with multiple faiths or those with no religion, in a way that is appropriate to their age and level of understanding. They are taught through a multidisciplinary approach which include philosophy, theology and human or social science Assemblies provide opportunities for moral and spiritual development through the use of a variety of poems, stories, music and occasional visits from representatives of various religions. We celebrate religious education through half termly ‘Faith Days’ where the children take part in religious enquiries from the Norfolk Agreed Syllabus and may enjoy the links we have with the local community, have visitors coming in or groups having a chance to visit a place of worship. Parents have a right to withdraw their children from religious education and collective worship. Please talk to the Headteacher about alternative provision provided as this will depend on individual circumstances. |
Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) is taught in the Foundation stage and Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) is taught in Key Stage 1. It is embedded in all we do and is taught discreetly through a variety of ways and across many subject areas, with the intention to encourage and support children to think about and develop a range of essential life skills and qualities.
At Arden Grove we feel it is important that children learn about making good choices. We teach relevant and interesting lessons, which inspire and encourage children to think about and discuss their feelings and viewpoints. ‘Our Code’ promotes these and other values and encourages positive behaviour both at home and at school. To compliment this we also use Jigsaw, a comprehensive whole school programme for PSHE including statutory Relationships and Health Education. It is spiral, progressive and delivers relevant learning experiences to help children develop positive relationships with themselves and others. This mindful approach supports our focus on children’s mental health, wellbeing, social and emotional development.
Outdoor Learning
Vision for Outdoor Learning |
Outdoor Learning |
In Outdoor Learning we explore and are adventurous outside. We are curious and learn about how the world changes around us through the seasons. We take wonder in the natural world and learn how to care for it. |
At Arden Grove Infant and Nursery School, we believe that outdoor learning enables our children to develop and nurture their self-belief, confidence and our school's other values where every child has the opportunity to achieve their full potential in a learner-led enabling environment. In Outdoor Learning our children learn through hands-on experiences to develop fine and gross motor skills, to assess and manage risk, to practise and achieve goals, to enquire and investigate, whilst embracing the challenges that working outside in all weathers can present. We create a time and space for the children to enjoy, respect and look after themselves, others and all living things in their outdoor learning area, whilst developing their interests, knowledge and skills. Wellbeing and health (mental and physical) is an integral part of our school and outdoor learning sessions. The school outdoor learning area includes a wild area, our Cob-lab with pizza oven, fire circle, mud kitchen, pond, and a wooded area with rope swings, a hammock, a slackline, rope ladder, adventurous terrain, growing beds, climbing routes and loose parts play equipment. Class teachers are encouraged to use the outdoor space to make real life curriculum links and take learning outdoors, especially in Science. We are always proactive in developing our outdoor learning space and work with our local community, our school council and children to plan and make this happen. It is our intention that every pupil develops a real passion for the great outdoors and celebrates their local, natural environment. We wish for every child to develop a knowledge and passion for their local habitat and how to look after and nurture it. |