This page is for all the new families that will be joining Heather Avenue Infant School in September.
We are so excited to share our school with you and your child!
We know that you will have a lot of questions about your child starting at our school and we aim to share everything you will need to know on this page. In addition to our 'New Intake Information Sessions', the class teachers will also be calling you to introduce themselves and to speak with you about September. This will be an opportunity for you to share with us any concerns that you may have, or any information that you feel will support a successful start to school for your child.
Most of all, we aim to ensure that each child's start to school is a positive experience for all involved.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Headteacher, Ms Coleman, should you have any concerns or require any additional information.
Telephone: 01603 426438
Click on the link above to view a presentation that shares important information about our school, including the school timetable, attendance, safeguarding, extra provision and special educational needs. |
Story Time...