Heather Avenue

Infant School

Notice Board

This is the section of our website where we will post useful information and links for parents/carer. Please remember to check our virtual notice board on a regular basis! 

Reception Baseline Assessment

This year our Reception children will be taking part in the Government Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA).

Please follow this link to find out more about the Reception Baseline Assessment

Online Payments Log-in

You can login to your SCOpay account or register as a new user from the link below. This will allow you to make payments for school activities such as clubs and trips.

 SCOpay - Online Payments

Uniform Available to Purchase Online

You can now purchase our school uniform online: Mapac Online Store

We also have second-hand uniform items available to purchase in school.

To find out more about our uniform, visit the Uniform section of our website.

Purchase Name Tags

Visit www.mynametags.com to purchase name tags for your child.

Norse Catering (School Lunches)

Our school meals are provided by Norse Catering.
To find out more about special dietary needs and how these can be catered for, please visit the Norse website.

For information on our school lunch menus, please visit the School Lunches section of our website. 

Parent Support Adviser

We have a trained Parent Support Adviser, Mrs Muff, who is available to offer support and advice to parents/carers.

Appointments can be made by contacting the school office or through the class teacher. Meetings will be held in confidence and appointment times will be confirmed with Mrs Muff.

PSA Introduction Sheet 


It is really important that we stay safe online. The following link provides some helpful information and advice for children and parents/carers: Think U Know

Letter-join Log-in

We are part of the Letter-join handwriting scheme and any of our pupils wishing to practice their handwriting at home can now log in to the Letter-join website on iPads and tablets as well as desktop and laptop computers. You will find the same, easy-to-use handwriting resources that we use at school. 

Letter-Join Log-in

Please see your class teacher for log-in details if you no longer have yours.

Hellesdon Library

Please click here to view information on our local Hellesdon Library.

NCC School Closure Advice to Parents/Carers 

Please click here to view initial advice to Parents/Carers regarding school closures.

Wensum Trust Facilities for Hire

Did you know that you can hire out school facilities? Visit the  Wensum Trust's Facilities Hire Wensum Trust's Facilities Hire page for more information.