Garrick Green

Infant School

Reception Blog 3.3.20

This week the story of the week is Burglar Bill.

Image result for burglar bill

The children will discuss right and wrong and what to do when problems arise. This helps with our behaviour in school as we try to get the children to talk about any problems and sort them out by discussing what happened and what can be done to make things better. 

In maths we are learning about one more and one less. We will create staircases using blocks to make it visual to the children. We will also be continuing to learn about number bonds to 20. 

Image result for unifix staircases

We will learn the tricky words 'are' and 'they'. We will also continue to do story scribes, independent writing, dictated sentences, phonics and reading.

We will be talking about living and non-living things and getting the children to explore the world around them noticing similarities and differences and being able to explain their ideas. 

Don't forget it is World Book Day on Thursday where the children can come to school dressed as a book character and there will be book themed activities happening during the day that the children can choose to do. 

Image result for world book day 2020

Image result for world book day 2020

Have a good week!