Garrick Green

Infant School


At Garrick Green we follow the Government guidelines for all children who have a special educational need and/or disability and implement the necessary procedures. Children are continually assessed by staff, and where possible, appropriate help will be given by the Class Teacher, Teaching Assistant, or Learning Support Assistant. This includes both more able children and those with a learning and/or physical difficulty. Additional advice and support is available from a range of external agencies.

Some children may have difficulties with some aspects of education at particular times in their school career - this includes both more able children and those with a learning and/or physical difficulty. We endeavour to work as a team with parents to address problems as they arise. Children are given activities suited to their needs and may work towards fulfilling appropriate individual targets.

We follow a staged approach to SEND as set out in the Government’s Code of Practice.

Children who are considered to be more able educationally are likewise assessed continually by class teachers and are given appropriate activities to stimulate and enrich their learning.

Children with Special Educational Needs are given a Personal Learning Plan which provides targets to meet their specific needs. This is written and later reviewed in conjunction with the parents and the pupil.

Our SENDCO is Lisa Herron. For more information email:

For full details of policy and practice, please view the links below: