Highlights of our 2019 Ofsted Report
The school has maintained a welcoming and nurturing environment by recognising each child as an individual.
There is a strong sense of community, where parents and staff are valued, and learning is underpinned through the school motto, ‘Learn to be happy. Be happy to learn.’
Pupils are clearly excited about the things they learn. Pupils focused well on their activities because teachers plan interesting activities.
One parent captured the views of many by stating, ‘Every staff member is always happy to ‶go the extra mile″. I would highly recommend Garrick Green School.’
You are rightly proud of the improvements that have been made in the early years provision. The teaching is strong. Effective use is made of assessments so that planned activities build on children’s experiences and interests. The provision outdoors is well developed and contributes effectively to promoting children’s curiosity.
Leaders and governors place a high importance upon keeping pupils safe.
Your leaders ensure that pupils with SEND receive well-planned support to meet their needs. Leaders are knowledgeable and work closely with teachers to adjust learning plans for pupils with SEND.
All teachers take responsibility for developing and leading the curriculum. They work well as a cohesive team and share leaders’ high expectations for the achievement of pupils across the foundation subjects. They work successfully to review the curriculum so that it stimulates pupils’ interests, develops their curiosity and brings learning alive.