Garrick Green

Infant School

Reception Blog 13.3.20

This week we read the story 'Biscuit Bear' by Mini Grey.

Image result for biscuit bear

In the story the Horace bakes a biscuit in the shape of the bear and during the night the biscuit bear comes to life and decides that with the ingredients he can create some friends for himself too! This is to encourage the children to explore the classrooms. We have cooking available every week so hopefully this story will inspire the children to create their own biscuit bears! 

We have continued to write independently, act out our stories, write dictated sentences and do story scribes. Phonics and reading will also continue. We have now taught all of the phase 2 and 3 tricky words so please keep practising reading these at home. We are using them in our writing too so it's important that the children can find them in the word list quickly. Here is the tricky word mat we use in class: /_site/data/files/users/29/files/C31769CB8CEB77CB3092EF41CE41F402.pdf

In maths we have been learning about doubles and near doubles and we have been talking about counting in 2s and adding by counting all the objects. Don't forget there are lots of games on Education City where the children can practise their skills.

The children had great fun doing the circuits for sport relief - thank you for collecting the sponsors.

We also revisited the NSPCC pants lesson so the children get this message throughout the year. If you want to have a look at the resources follow this link:

We have purchased some lovely new books for the different areas in the classrooms and the children have enjoyed reading these and having a good look through.

Have a good weekend!