Garrick Green

Infant School

Wednesday 1st April Reception Blog

This will be the last instalment of home learning suggestions for this term. We will put on some ideas for things to do over Easter in case you'd still like some suggestions. We hope you've enjoyed doing the activities and a great big thank you for keeping up with the home learning. Have a great Easter holiday and keep reading! 



or join Mrs Dewing live on the FOGG Facebook page at about 9.45 for assembly. 


  • Yesterday you used the numicon to add your calculations up.  Today, can you use it to subtract and solve these calculations or choose some other equipment to help you:

5 - 2 =

8 - 6 =

3 - 1 =

9 - 6 =

14 - 6 =



  • Go on YouTube and type in Mr Thorne does phonics  Choose one of the digraphs/trigraphs from your sound mat e.g. Mr Thorne does phonics ai.  Then see how many things you can find around your house featuring that digraph/trigraph. Have a go at writing a sentence using words that contain the digraph/trigraph.


  • Write a sentence about what has been your favourite thing you’ve done at home so far.  Don’t forget to start your sentence with a capital letter, use finger spaces between each word and make sure you put a full-stop at the end. No footballs!  Just a dot!