Garrick Green

Infant School

Monday 20th April - Reception Blog

Welcome back to home learning. We hope you had a great Easter break. 

We have decided that we will put a theme on the blog on a Monday and then you can pick and choose what to do during the week from the activities listed. Please email us with any questions or to let us know what you have enjoyed doing.

This week we are basing the week on 'What the Ladybird Heard' by Julia Donaldson. There are some acitivities at the bottom - some online, some you can print out if you've got a printer and want to and some suggestions of things to do.



  • Watch numberblocks doubles
  • Have a go at the Doubles Challenges in the links below
  • Print out the dominoes or if you have a set at home play dominoes. You have to match the end of the domino to its number double and they say what the double is
  • Roll a dice and double the number
  • Get all the even numbers of your number cards, lay them face down and play find the double


  • Have a go at creating a wanted poster to tell people about the criminals and the crimes in the book
  • Write a sentence about your favourite part of the story
  • Write out some speech bubbles to say what you think the ladybird might be saying at different points in the story
  • Draw a picture of what you think the Snuggly Snerd might look like and label your picture to explain


  • Musical phonics - get your sound mat from your home learning resource pack and put on some music, get your adult to press pause and when the music stops shut your eyes and point to a sound, open your eyes, say the sound your finger is pointing at and start the music again - repeat for as long as you like! 
  • Read a book  from
  • Play on Teach your Monster to read
  • Have a look at the word search below - can you find all the words?
  • Get your tricky word mat, close your eyes and put your finger on the card, open your eyes, read the word your finger is pointing at and repeat


  • Ladybird handprint pictures 

  • Ladybird Stained Glass picture

  • How many animals can you spot in the story - how are they similar or different? Research an animal that you don't know much about and then do an information poster about it
  • Design and build a safe place for the prize cow with added security feature so that the cow is safe
  • Watch Julia Donaldson singing the song about What the Ladybird heard and then make up your own song with animal noises