Garrick Green

Infant School

Y1 & Y2 Week 4 11th May



This week we would like you to think about the different long ‘o’ sounds.

You could...

- Think of a word for each of these and write them down

- Read different words containing these sounds 

- Print off a game or make a game

- Write the words using the correct sound

- Read these alien words containing different ‘a’ sounds? Can you copy them out and add the sound buttons?

floaf    vrone    plowt    koe

- Create your own alien words and add the sound buttons


This week is all about reading and spelling the months of the year.

You could...

- Read the words and talk about how they are spelt. Can you verbally put them into a sentence?

- Write the words by copying.

- Write the words from memory.

-  Write this words into sentences. For example- It's my birthday in February. Mummy's birthday is in October.



Y1 - Picnics

This week we are thinking about making a picnic. We are focussing on weight and fractions.

Picnic weight

  • Find a selection of fruit or vegetables from your house. Take 1 in each hand and see if you can feel which is the heaviest and the lightest.
  • Feel and sort the fruit from heaviest to lightest – you could draw them or take a photo to show how they are sorted.
  • If you have weighing scales you could weigh each item and check to see if you were correct. The heaviest will have the highest number in grams, the lightest will be the lowest number in grams.

  • If I have 3 sets of cherries how many cubes will they weigh?
  • I have 5 apples. How many cubes will they weigh altogether?
  • I put 1 pineapple, 1 pear and 1 banana in my picnic. How much do they weigh altogether.
  • Order the fruit from heaviest to lightest.
  • Which is heavier the pear or the apple? By how much?
  • You could take a look at the White Rose Maths Home Learning Resources- week 1 lessons 1, 2 and 3


Picnic fractions

-Making sandwiches for a picnic. – you could do this for real or make a play dough sandwich.

Use 2 slices of bread, butter them both, put filling on 1 slice and lay the other slice on top.

Can you cut the sandwich in half? How many equal pieces do you have?

Cut the sandwich into quarters. How many equal pieces do you have?

-Divide fruit between people – you could do this with actual fruit, grapes, blueberries or you could make playdough fruit. Count out 16 grapes and find half and then a quarter - share them into 2 equal amounts, then 4 equal amounts. Count out 24 grapes and find half and then quarter. What other amounts can you find half and quarter of? You could take a look at the White Rose Maths Home Learning Resources- Summer term week 1 lesson 4 


Y2 Weight

Here are some ideas for home learning this week...

Comparing weights 

Choose 2 different objects from around the house, e.g. tins of food, cereal packets …. Look at the objects and predict which object is the heaviest? Now hold one of the objects, does it feel heavy or light? Now choose another object, how does this object feel? Was your prediction right?  Is object 1 or object 2 the heaviest? Or do they balance – do they weight the same? Now repeat this with other objects.  Perhaps you could complete a table with your results in like the one below.

Challenge: If one object is bigger than the other object, does it mean it is heavier?

As a challenge, can you use the symbol for greater than and less than to compare the weights of 2 objects.         > = greater than     < =  less than

Have a go at playing this game, it uses balance scales:

And for a challenge have a go at: 

Measuring in  grams

Collect different packets, tins of food and can you find how much they weigh by looking at the packet/tin?  How do you know how much it weighs? Can you find the number and the symbol ‘g’? We use a standard unit of measure called grams to weigh our food, this can also be written down as ‘g’.

We have to use weighing scales to find out how heavy something is e.g. a tin of beans. Have you got any of these scales at home?  You may also have electronic weighing scales at home.

Weighing scales measure in grams (g). Not all weighing scales go up in the same multiples. Do both scales count up in multiples of 2? 

If you have a set of weighing scales at home, perhaps you could have a go at finding objects that weigh 1g, 5g, 20g, 40g, 100g.  Which scales did you use?. 


Now can you choose an object and predict how many grams it weighs and then weigh it on the scales.


Making Scones

Now that you have practised finding the weight of different objects using grams, perhaps you could have a go at making scones. 

Here is a recipe that you could follow:

The full recipe and a short video is on the link below.…



ENGLISH The Shopping Basket by John Burningham

Read the story if you have a copy or listen and watch…

Then you could…

Play a memory game using a tray of food

Play ‘I went to the shop and I bought…’

Act out the story

Draw a story map of the story

Make a list of food shopping, favourite toys, friends, anything at all!

Write sentences using commas in a list. Here's a video to help Under the video is a little game as well

Rewrite Mrs Ellis's to do list using comma's in a list. 

Rewrite the story using your own list. Can you include comma's? 

Complete the challenge below...



TOPIC The Great British Picnic! 

Can you make all or part of a picnic lunch? Maybe you could design your own picnic. Draw a picture of a plate and add all of the yummy food you would like to enjoy. 

Y1 – Make your own picnic lunch.  Can you make your own sandwiches or chop up some fruit for a fruit salad? 

Y2 – Can you make some scones for your picnic lunch?  They could be cheese, plain or fruit scones.  You can either search for a recipe on the internet with the help of your adult or follow this link to a simple recipe from CBeebies:




Log on to Developing Experts. This week we continue to look at plants and think about why flowers and seeds are important.

The Science Behind the Science
There is a great variety of flowers and seeds in the world. Plants have flowers to attract pollinators such as bees to them, which help the plant reproduce. Seeds are the young version of the plant. 

Seeds can remain dormant for many years before they die, as long as they are kept dry and cool. On the Norwegian island of Svalbard, there is a huge seed bank which is known as the 'Doomsday' vault. That's because there are thousands of different seeds kept in the vault. The seeds are kept there to protect the biodiversity of our planet, so if a species of plant became extinct in the wild, it could be reintroduced and, therefore, not lost forever, thanks to the seed bank.


You can sign in to Developing Experts using the following details:


 (email Mrs Ellis for this at 



real PE at home includes an online programme which supports families to be active, play and learn together. It includes a programme specifically for children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 with 12 themes, 6 areas, over 250 activities and challenges and 1000s of hours of fun and activity. This programme is also great for family play and fun.

There are so many benefits to being active, not only to our physical wellbeing but also to our emotional and mental health, especially in such testing times for all of us. We hope that the ideas help support you and your family to stay fit and healthy in the coming months. Here are the details to access real PE at home:

The website address is: 
Parent email:
Password: garrickgre



Have a look and have a go at the body percussion at the bottom of this blog!



Please read every day. Your school book, a magazine, story book, non-fiction book,