Garrick Green

Infant School

Monday 18th May - Reception Blog

Welcome to your home learning ideas for the week beginning 18th May 2020

This week is based on 'The Very Busy Spider' by Eric Carle and 'Aaaarrgghh, Spider!' by Lydia Monks (She is the illustrator for 'What the Ladybird Heard') 

Here are some ideas for activities to do throughout the week - some online, some you can print out if you've got a printer and want to and some suggestions of things to do. Or you might like to come up with your own activities based on the books too.


  • Have a go at being a spider and trying out some shape and number activities (Spider Web PDF at bottom of page)
  • Have a go at the seeing if the spider number stories are correct (Spider Number Stories PDF link at the bottom of the page) there is also a spider exercise in the same file to have a go at.
  • Play the Spider Dice game and make up your own number problem songs (Spider Dice game PDF at bottom of page) - you could record yourself singing the songs to send to us
  • Can you check if the spider legs have been doubledcorrectly? Can you share the spiders fairly between two/halve them? (Spider Halving and doubling PDF at the bottom of the page)
  • Practise using your positional language and describe where the fly is in each picture you can also have a go at moving like a spider by going in, over, under, beside different objects (Spider Positions PDF at bottom of page)
  • Have a go at the spider maths challenges underneath - you can write them in your yellow books if you'd like to record them
  • You could make puppets of the other animals in The Very Busy Spider and then act it out to your family


  • Can you write a story about your pet or if you haven't got a pet you could write a story about a pet you would like?
  • Can you research spiders from non-fiction books or on the Internet and write a fact sheet about them?
  • Can you make a chart - on one side make a list of animals that would make good pets and on the other side a list of animals that would NOT make good pets. You can extend this by writing the reasons why you have decided that they are good or not next to them. 
  • Can you draw a picture of a spider and accurately label as many parts of the body as you can
  • Write the reasons why you think a spider needs 8 legs


  • Make sure you are reading to your grown up AT LEAST 3 times a week.  There are all the songbird books on the Oxford Owls website for you to use.  This is the hardest skill to acquire but the quickest one to lose at this crucial stage. or ebooks available from The Norfolk Library Service
  • Play on Teach your Monster to read
  • Play spider splat phonics - there is a sheet below if you have a printer for spider splat phonics phase 5 or tricky words or you can make your own up. If you don't have a printer ask your child to go round to house and spider splat (even better if you have a fly swat to do it with!)  any objects starting with a certain sound or containing a certain digraph/trigraph.You could make your own spider pictures with words containing different phonemes/digraphs/trigraphs
  • Choose a couple of new sounds off your sound mat and watch the Mr Thorne videos to go alongside them, then go and find some objects in the house either starting with that sound or containing the sound. Can you say where the sound features in the word - is it at the beginning, middle or end?
  • Can you write 5 sentences containing tricky words and then read them to an adult


We look forward to seeing what you get up to this week - please keep emailing, uploading to EExAT or posting on the FOGG facebook page.

Have a good week!