Garrick Green

Infant School

Reception Blog week beginning 9.11.20

This week we have been celebrating difference. The story was 'Barry the Fish with Fingers' by Sue Hendra. As art of our RSHE lesson we talked about the positives of being different. We also had a discussion about everyone likes different things and it is OK not to like the same things as your friend.

In phonics we have covered the phonemes n, c, k, e, h and r. You will get the details of actions and the practice sheets for the formation of letters. There will also be more words to add to the plastic wallet word boxes. 

In maths we have been exploring the number 3. We have looked at the patterns that can be made with 3. Simple addition and subratcation with 1, 2 and 3. 

We have continued to learn Christmas songs to sing on the playground in December. 

The children have continued to play both inside and outside. This is definitely becoming more purposeful and it is lovely to see the interactions developing and how much they are learning through their play. Outside the children enjoyed creating pictures using the autumn leaves.