Garrick Green

Infant School

Reception Blog week beginning 23.11.20

This week we have been focussing on our painting skills. We have been painting self portraits. The children practised using their observational skills by looking on the mirror and then painting what they could see in the correct places! We discussed the shape and position of their features. 

The main story we read this week was 'Princess Mirrorbelle and the Dragon Pox' by Julia Donaldson. The children loved listening to all the capers the girls got up to trying to find a cure. We have also shared lots of animal stories this week which the children have enjoyed. 

In phonics we have covered the phonemes l, f, b, ai and j. The children are really starting to be able to blend the sounds together to make words. Please keep practising the word box cards we send home on a Monday as this will really give them more opportunity to embed their initial reading skills. 

In maths we have learnt about the number 5. we have looked at the shape 5 counters can make, 5 on a dice, a 5p piece and all the different calculations you can do to make 5 e.g. 2 + 3 = 5  4 +1 = 5.

We have also continued to play inside and outside and do our writing and story scribing.

Have a good week!