Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Special Education Needs Information Report Video Alderman Peel High School
The Team
Team Member | Position | Email Address |
Mrs K Norman | SEND Coordinator (01328 710476 ext. 423) |, or |
Mrs L Yarham | Higher Level Teaching Assistant | |
Mrs S Clarke | Higher Level Teaching Assistant | |
Mrs M Somerton | Higher Level Teaching Assistant | |
Miss L Cowell | Teaching Assistant | |
Mrs N Harrison | Pupil Premium Teaching Assistant - Science | |
Mrs S Golding-Searle | Pupil Premium Teaching Assistant - English | |
We are immensely proud of the exceptional progress, personal, social and academic achievements of our students with Special Education Needs and disabilities. We believe passionately in an inclusive education for all, whilst providing bespoke support in order to meet individual needs. |
We are committed to:
- Ensuring all students realise and fulfil their potential through a broad, balanced appropriate curriculum.
- Ensure all students with special educational needs are identified, assessed and supported through the High School phase.
We aim to:
- Ensure that the school’s statutory duties are met for students with EHCPs
- Ensure every child achieves their potential regardless of special educational needs.
- Ensure that students are enabled to become independent, resourceful and resilient learners.
- Ensure there are good links with parents and carers as they play a vital role in supporting their child’s special educational needs.
- Ensure that the views of the individual student are considered when determining the nature of provision made for the student.
- Ensure students are offered full access to a broad, balanced and relevant education, including an appropriate curriculum.
- Ensure all advice from professionals is integrated into planning and provision.
- Use data and progress of students rigorously to inform planning and provision.
SEND Co-Ordinator
The SEND Co-ordinator (SENDCO) is Kate Norman. Responsibilities include
- Overseeing the day-to-day operation of the school’s SEND policy.
- Co-ordinating provision for students with special educational needs.
- Liaising with parents of students with special educational needs.
- Overseeing the records on all students with special education needs.
- Liaising with external agencies including the LA’s support and educational psychology services, the Connexions PA, health and social services and voluntary bodies.
- Liaising with and advising fellow teachers.
- Managing the SEN Team of Teachers and Teaching Assistants.
- Contributing to the in-service training of staff.
Learning Support
Learning support takes place both in the classroom alongside the students and on a withdrawal basis. Students are sometimes supported within the teaching group by a teaching assistant under the direction of the teacher. All staff are aware of special needs and plan accordingly, differentiating where necessary to meet students’ needs. Teaching assistants support in a variety of ways whilst striving to encourage independence.
A student may require more bespoke / specific support and therefore need to be withdrawn for some time on the timetable in order to access specific intervention work from a qualified member of staff. The department has a specialist classroom called ‘Becketts’, which is used mainly used as a teaching base for Nurture, social skills and Lifeskills work. We also have the Cluster centre, which has a more academic focus, concentrating on literacy, numeracy and spelling improvement. The room is well equipped with a largescreen TV, set of Ipads and 8 computers.
Both rooms are available at lunch and breaktimes for any students who wishes to seek support, read or engage in some quiet activity. A homework club runs every lunchtime and after school for all students, with TA support and access to ICT and learning resources.
The SENCO at Alderman Peel High School works with our key feeder primary schools prior to transition into Year 7, thus collating all the necessary information regarding students with special educational needs / disabilities prior to arrival.
At KS3 extra teaching groups are created in English and Maths. This allows identified pupils to learn in well supported small groups. These pupils who need additional literacy or numeracy support are also withdrawn from some Modern Foreign Language lessons to receive extra tuition.
As KS4 pupils in Year 10 and 11 benefit from differentiated curricula which are individually tailored to a student’s needs. In addition to extra Study Support time where required, we deliver programmes designed to offer a variety of independent living skills, community projects and a Holkham Horticulture vocational qualification. We make arrangements for SEN students to experience visits to local colleges and support them with references, applications and interview skills.
For those students who have disabilities, guidance is sought and all reasonable adjustments are made. The school has a lift at one end of the school, ramps throughout and disabled toilet and changing facilities. Paths and steps are clearly marked for visually impaired students and we use a variety of adapted equipment in PE and Catering to allow physically disabled students to participate alongside their peers.
One of the most crucial links to pupil engagement and progress is that between the parent and school. This is a strong, positive working relationship. Regular meetings are held to discuss students’ individual targets and report on the progress they are making, thus keeping parents fully informed. Parents can also track pupil progress, homework, behaviour and achievement points online through the SIMS Parent App or via ClassCharts.
Every student with special educational needs is encouraged to play a highly active role within the school. Participation in clubs, trips and competitions by our SEN students is excellent, as is their attendance at school. Many have roles of responsibility within school and are supported individually to move on to appropriate further or higher education or training once they leave APHS.