Students celebrate GCSE results

Students from Alderman Peel High School have been celebrating their GCSE results.
The school welcomed Year 11 students back today as they collected their results.
Meanwhile at Alderman Peel High School, Principal Matt Hardman, said: “We are so proud of all APHS students today as they celebrate their GCSE results. Today recognises their learning and achievement, but also the career and life skills they have developed during their time with us.
“There are many students who have done incredibly well to achieve a full set of Grades 7-9, as well as students who have worked incredibly hard to achieve Grades 1-3 and this should not be forgotten. In the backdrop of global disruption these are significant achievements. We look forward to celebrating with our students and are confident that they will continue to display Ambition, Pride, Happiness and Success in their exciting futures ahead.”