Garrick Green

Infant School

w/c 27th January 2020

In English this week we have continued to think about adjectives (describing words). The children have used playdoh to create their own alien which we took a photo of....

They then wrote a description of their alien using good adjectives, capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We started to think about what our aliens might like to do, what they smell like and how they might feel as well as what they look like.

In maths we have been learning about fact families. The children used “Mrs Morgan’s Marvellous Machine” to find addition facts using 3 numbers. eg) 3, 4 and 7. 3 + 4 =7 and 4 + 3 =7. Then we pulled the lever to reverse the machine and find the subtraction facts! 7 – 3 =4 and 7 – 4 =3.

Image result for image remindersIn topic this week we heard the Oliver Jeffers story “The Way Back Home”. We investigated what might happen to the boys sandwiches if he parachuted into the sea and tested different materials to find out which ones were the best for making a waterproof wrapping for the little boys lunch.

Please look out for the parent/teacher meeting sign up sheets and sign up for a time if you haven’t already. If you can’t make the times available please see Mrs Morgan or Mrs Prophet to organise another time.