Garrick Green

Infant School

Miss Banner's and Mrs Herron's Home Learning - Week beginning 18.1.21

Please see below for the home learning for this week. There are also resources saved in the files at the bottom which might be useful.

We are giving you activity suggestions which will be the same as we are doing in school.

Each day in the shared folder in Google Drive (the link for the Google Drive was in last week's email - please email if you need it again) you will find the phonics and story time video each day. We aim to upload these each day by lunchtime.

Here are some videos to reinforce the phonics we have taught - Jolly Phonics Sounds and Jolly Phonics Songs

If you want to read your own story daily at home that is fine or you can access these videos - CBeebies Bedtime Stories or School Readers Storytime (the password for this is love2read)

We will be hearing the children in school read every week. This will either be practising their word box words or using the reading scheme books. There are eBooks available from one of the schemes we use so if your child is able to read their word box words confidently, give these books a try - please start with Pink level. Access the library here -The eBook library. There are also Jolly Phonics eReaders but you have to pay for these - Jolly Phonics Readers. If you have a Norfolk library card, you can sign up to eReaders from them - Find out about it here. The new sets of word box words are in the links at the bottom of the page. You can either print these out or write them out on cards for your child to practise at home. 

White Rose Maths - Here is the link to the videos for Reception - Week 2 Maths - Alive in 5 videos - please do one video each day. The extra resources are at the bottom of the page.The children can also watch these extra numberblocks episodes for reinforcement - Numberblocks - BlockzillaNumberblocks - Fruit SaladNumberblocks - Pattern Palace and Numberblocks - The Numberblocks Express 

Here are the videos for Year 1s - Week 2 - Number: Place Value - the resources to go with the videos are at the bottom of the page.

We will be doing Physical development every week through outside play - you can access Joe Wicks PE at home - PE with Joe

We will also do a Cosmic Kids Yoga session each week, you can access them here - Cosmic Kids Yoga Videos

We will be writing with each child individually each week through story scribing and a dictated sentence - you can do this at home.

Here is how we do story scribing at school -

● The child has a story they would like to write in their head or thinks of a story idea and you help them write it.

● Sit beside the child (if you are right-handed, put the child on your left).

● Make sure the child watches you write (the paper should be in front of the child, if possible). Write exactly what the child says.

● Say the words as you write them.

● Stop and read what you have written, then let the child carry on.

● Sound out the words as you write them.

● Point out spaces, capitals and full stops, etc.

● Exaggerate the letter formation so the child can easily see.

● Ask the child to sound out some words for you. At this point in the year some children may only be able to hear the first sound in a word. Please don't worry what they can and can't do - each child is different and these are all part of the development stages. You will see the progress, the more you do this.

● Ask the child to write a few letters – or words – as appropriate to the individual child depending on how confident with phonics they are.

● Use terms such as ‘characters’, ‘author’, 'setting', 'beginning', 'middle', 'end'. 

● Use the tricky word mats (tricky words arw words that cannot be sounded out) to help your child recognise and write these words if they appear in your child's story.

●The story should start off as mainly the adults handwriting and as the children become more confident there should be more of the children's writing. 

We will also be doing a dictated sentence for the children to write. The adult tells the child the whole sentence and then you say each word and the child says copies saying the word and listens to the individual sounds they can hear in the word. The child then writes the sounds as they sound them out. They will need their sound card in front of them to help them write the sounds they can hear in the word and the tricky word cards to help with these words. When they have written the sentence they put a full stop at the end.

This week the sentence to dictate for Reception is 'A man ate fruit.' For Y1 the dictated sentence is 'The man ate some tasty oranges'. It doesn't matter if the spelling is not correct as long as the children are using their phonics, sounding out and writing the sounds they hear. For example they might write 'A man ait froot.'

As you know a lot of time in school is play based learning which we call planning in the moment. Therefore the children at school will also have free play where they will be playing both inside and outside. When the children are doing this we will play and teach alongside them and extend their play by offering suggestions, commentating on what they are doing to extend their language and setting a challenge. This is when some of the best learning happens because the child is doing something that they are interested in. If relevant we will bring in other areas of the curriculum to extend or embed an idea for example; comparing sizes or counting objects in maths, building an iconic building which you have found a picture on the Internet, cooking and using technology. Children need time to play as it allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, physical, cognitive, and emotional strength. Play is important to healthy brain development. It is through play that children at a very early age engage and interact in the world around them. This is what the children at school will be doing for a large part of their day. 

Extra resources/ideas/activities available here -

BBC BITESIZE for Early Years

Twinkl Resources

Craft Idea

Lots of Free resources and ideas for things to do

Ideas for outside

Disney Nature Resources

All Year 1 children have a workbook to complete their work in. Please email your child's teacher each week so that we can see what you have been up to with your learning at home. It could be a photo of their set sentence, something they have made or a completed maths sheet. For Reception children you all have a login for EExAT so you can take a photo of your child's activity or work and upload it with a comment so that we can see what they children are getting up to at home. Login here - EExAT.

We will really miss the children who aren't in school and this is a really valuable way of us keeping in touch and seeing how they are progressing.

We will email details of this weeks live zoom session. It would be good to see as many children as we can!

Have a good week and please get in touch by email if you need anything.