Garrick Green

Infant School

Year 1 Blog w/c 17th May

Story writing and multiplication


In English this week we have been focussing on how to improve our writing. We started out with a very simple sentence, for example "The dog had a bone". Then we thought about what adjectives we could use to help improve our sentence. So "The dog had a bone" became "The black dog had a bone". We then improved it more and more until we were happy that we had written a fantastic and interesting sentence! Over the week we wrote lots of different sentences in a similar way and also focussed on remembering capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and writing the letters correctly. 


In maths this week we have been learning about counting in groups of 2, 5 and 10. We found out that it was quite easy to count equal groups of objects this way. We also learned that when it is written down it looks like this....

Lesson 1 – Multiplication as Repeated Addition – BRILLIANT MATHS

This is called "repeated addition"

You can practise this at home by making several equal groups of;

cars, lego bricks, shoes, cutlery etc.


In topic this week we became pirates and our captain was the famous British pirate "Blackbeard".

He needed our help with coding to help find some treasure! We followed instructions and then programmed "Bee Bots"  to follow our instructions. It was great fun and we used "2 Go" on Purple Mash to practise our skills. You can log onto Purple Mash at home and have a go too.

Art Weeks

This week and next we are also painting pieves of artwork to change the displays in the corridors. The artwork is based on the books called Joy, Happy and Kind.

  Happy: A Children's Book of Mindfulness 

All the children will contribute to the artwork in some way.

Things to Remember.....

Friday 28th May is the last day of the half term! It is also a non-uniform day.