Garrick Green

Infant School

Year 2 17th May 2021

Art week, relative facts and creative writing 

Art Week

This week and next week is Art week, and we are creating displays for the corridor art. Our theme is mindfulness and well-being and the inspiration for the displays has been taken from the books Happy, Kind and Joy. All the children will be contributing to the art work which will be completed this week and next.



For our English lessons this week we are encouraging the children to up-level and improve simple sentences. We started with the sentence. The dog had a bone. First we identified the nouns (dog, bone) and verbs (had). Then we added adjectives to describe the nouns (fluffy, scruffy dog). Next we created a list of different verbs - munched, chewed, played, licked. We ended up by adding an adverb to describe the verb and a conjunction. The children wrote some super sentences!

Mrs Ellis ended with... The scruffy, fluffy dog carefully nibbled the old, white bone because he was tired. 

We will be using this method all week to help with story writing next week.



In maths this week we have been recapping place value, partitioning numbers in different ways and learning about relative facts. 

If children know that 2 + 6 = 8, then they can work out that 20 + 60 = 80. 

In the above example, try to avoid telling your child that they ‘add a zero’, as this does not help them with their understanding of number and place value. It might end up being more confusing when children are also learning that adding zero does not change a number, so, for example, 2 + 0 = 2.


Things to remember...

Tomorrow (Thursday 20th May) is fish and chips for lunch instead of Friday

Friday 28th is the last day before half-term and also non-uniform day

Please remember to send your child with a coat as we try to get outside as much as possible!