Garrick Green

Infant School

Year 2 24th May 2021

Addition, subtraction, story writing and art week


This week in English we are listening to the start of lots of different stories to help us to create our own story starter. Throughout the week we will be planning our stories, acting them out to and finally writing them. The children have been getting used to using dictionaries to help with their spellings and trying to use some really ambitious vocabulary.



This week in maths we have continued to think about addition and subtraction but through partitioning. Using our knowledge of place value we have been partitioning 2-digit numbers into tens and ones and then adding the tens, adding the ones and putting the totals back together. For example:

41 + 23 = 54

40 + 10 = 50 (adding the tens)

1 + 3 = 4 (adding the ones)

50 and 4 is 54.


Art Week

The children have continuing with our art project this week and even though most of the painting is complete, we are adding lots of details using oil pastels. The children also learnt about tone (how light or dark something is) and have been using different patterns to create varying tone. If you makes lots of dots close together it will be darker but if you spread them out it will be lighter.


Things to remember...

After half-term Mrs Perkins will be back in Mrs Ellis's class on a Monday. Mrs Ellis will continue to work Tuesday-Friday.


Next week is half-term and we hope you all have a wonderful week and off.  We come back on Monday 7th June, and it will be our final half-term of Year 2.

Our first week back in Science week. If you have any old newspaper please send it in for one of our experiments. Thank you!


Tuesday 8th June is class photos.


Thank you all for your continued support. Please take care and stay safe.