Garrick Green

Infant School

Year 2 4th May 2021

Non-fiction writing and subtraction


This week in maths we are thinking about subtraction (minus, taking away, less than). We have been using tens frames and our knowledge of number bonds to 10 to help us solve problems for subtraction. 

As part of your home learning you could have a go at solving some simple subtractions problems and talking about how you got the answer. For example- what's 5 less than 12? (12 - 5 =). I would work this out by going back to the nearest multiple of 10, which is 10. I have subtracted 2. I needed to subtract 5, I need to subtract another3. I know that 3+7 is a number bond to 10 therefore 10-3 = 7. My answer is 7.



This week in English we are looking at different examples of non-fiction texts. We are looking at the key features of these such as headings, sub-headings, photographs and illustrations, captions and labels. We are going to be creating leaflets to tell other children all about our wonderful school, Garrick Green. Yesterday we talked about the outside areas and throughout this week and next we will be putting all of our ideas together to create bright and colourful leaflets which talk about lots of the different aspects of our school.



We are really impressed with how well the children are progressing with their reading. It is really useful for us to know how often they are reading at home so please can we ask that reading diaries are filled in. We do ask that children read at least 5 times a week for about 10-15 minutes. Thank you for your support with this.



Our new topic for this term is Best of British. Last week children looked at the work of British artist William Morris. Children created their own patterns inspired by him on paper and using 2 paint a picture on Purple Mash and selecting patterns. Why not have a go at this at home with your Purple Mash log in?