Garrick Green

Infant School

Whole School Trip to Sandringham

The whole school was very excited about their trip to Sandringham at the end of term – what a great way to end the school year!

Sage, Teal and Emerald class did a workshop called Meet the Monarch which followed on from one of their summer term projects about monarchs. Some children acted out a coronation and learnt the rule that only the Archbishop of the Church of England is allowed to touch the prince or princess before they are crowned.  


They told the workshop leader the facts they knew about King Charles III and played a game where they had to decide whether a given statement about the King was true, false or they weren’t sure.  Through this they confirmed that the King loves trees, his favourite dinner is not fish and chips and he is 74 years old.

These classes also got to look around the King’s House and his gardens. They were amazed by the size of the house, the rooms and the garden. There was a lot of information to listen to but they learnt and remembered a lot – did you know that the King’s television is hidden in a cupboard?!

In the garden there is an oak tree that is over 800 years old - a lot older and bigger than the oak tree on the Garrick Green playground!

After lunch the children really enjoyed playing in the exciting play area too.

Olive and Jade Class went to the King’s Forest to do some forest school activities with Nanny Lavender.

They enjoyed painting with watercolours.


Swinging in the trees on hammocks.

Making models using clay and natural materials.  


Cooking flatbreads and popcorn and toasting marshmallows on the camp fire.