Garrick Green

Infant School

Teal Class Blog W/b 28th February

Diary writing, weighing and sketching


In our English lessons this week we have been learning all about diary writing. We talked about what we thought a diary was and how it might be used. Then we learned about how to write a diary - use the past tense because it has already happened, use "I, me, we, our", use the day or date and write the events in order. We had a practise at writing a diary entry about what we did on Pancake day. On World Book Day we planned and wrote a diary entry for the character we came to school as. It was great fun thinking about what our character might have done the day before!


In maths this week we have been learning about weight and mass. We made ourselves into human balance scales using buckets and investigated the mass of different objects. We used the words "heavy, heavier, heaviest" and "light, lighter and lightest". We then used balance scales to compare 2 objects and then 3 objects. Once we got really confident we thought about how we could use cubes to find out the mass of an object. We practised putting an object into the balance scales and adding cubes 1 at a time until the scales were level or balanced again. Then we counted the cubes. 


Can you find heavy or light things around your home?

Find an object - a tin of beans- can you find things that are heavier or lighter than your tin?


This week we will be sketching. The children will be learning how to create different marks with pencils and about tone, how light or dark things are. They will then look at the shapes of a face and sketch one of our famous monarchs- King Henry VIII or Queen Elizabeth II.