
Primary & Nursery School

Year 1

Staff:  Mrs Webster and Ms Platts

English and Maths


In English this term we are looking at the book Old Bear which is a story about a much-loved teddy bear which becomes lost and is finally found again. The children will be focusing on retelling the story and writing letters.


In Maths this term we will be looking at place value within 40, developing our addition and subtraction knowledge and revisiting shapes. We will also be looking at our 2 times table, identifying things in 2s.

Discovery Learning

In our discovery learning sessions we will be exploring life in the past. We will have a look at toys that were used in the past and compare these to the toys we use today. 

In Geography we will taking a closer look at the weather, creating a weather diary and exploring the weather in Winter. 


General notices


Our PE days this term are Monday and Thursday. Please make sure children come in school PE kit wearing school shoes and bring a spare pair of shoes e.g. trainers to change into


We will continue with our weekly woodland sessions on a Friday, however, as the weather is unpredictable this time of year we will not go if it is too cold or wet. Class dojo will be updated weekly to inform you. But children will need appropriate clothing and footwear, especially as it is muddy in the woods!


Throughout the school there is an expectation that all children read every day. We understand that it can be tiring being at school and then going home to do reading. We do not expect your child to read all their book in one night, but we would like you to do at least 5 minutes reading every day. Please remember to record reading in your child's reading record. We check reading records regularly and we will move their book worm around the race track, children will be rewarded when they reach certain levels on our book worm race!

Home Learning

Each half-term a new homework menu containing six activities will be given out. Your child will need to complete a minimum of 5 activities each half-term, by submitting this on their Class Dojo profile.

Snack Money  / Lunchtimes

Children in Year 1 are still entitled to free school meals. Lunchboxes need to be placed on the Year 1 trolley at the start of the school day. All school lunch meals need to be ordered on Scopay by midnight the night before. We will have fruit available for the children to have as a snack at break time but your child is more than welcome to bring in a healthy snack in a labelled container if they prefer. Children will also need a labelled water bottle to have in class.