Heather Avenue

Infant School


Welcome to the Autumn Term and our new topic - “Turn Back Time”

In Woodpeckers, Hedgehogs and Butterflies classes, our topic for the Autumn Term will be “Turn Back time”.  The children will be creating portraits, investigating materials and inventing products to sell at our Christmas Fair.

Our topics are integrated across the curriculum, throughout all subjects.  If you have any interesting artefacts, photos or even experiences your child would like to share which would link to our topic, please talk to your child’s teaching staff to arrange to bring them to school.

During our art focus, we will be learning about portraits and creating our own in the style of Vincent Van Gogh.  Following this we will be learning all about the history of the high streets and how our local area has changed over time.  In Science, we will explore the properties of materials and carry out investigations into the properties of a variety of objects.  In both D&T and Science we will be making houses and creating the 1666 Great Fire of London street scene. 

Our 'International Week' this term will focus on learning about Canada.  We will find out about the similarities and differences between Canada and the UK, including schools, homes, weather, food, traditions and music, as well as exploring the famous landmarks of Canada. 

As we move toward the end of term, we will be working hard to design and make some products to sell to you at our Christmas Fair later this year!  The money we raise will go towards our school trips!  We will also learn all about the Nativity story and Christmas.

Mrs Howes (Monday–Thursday) and Mrs Barnard (Friday) will be teaching in Hedgehogs Class, with Mrs Jones and Miss Arthurton.

Please continue to check Tapestry as we shall be sharing the children’s work and the different activities we will be doing.

If you have any queries or concerns, or if you would like an appointment to see your class teacher, Mrs Howes / Mrs Barnard will be available at the class entrance each morning.  If a meeting is required, Mrs Howes / Mrs Barnard can also be available after school, please contact them to arrange this in advance.

Please click on the menu items below for more information...


We have PE every Wednesday and Thursday.  We ask that your child wears their PE kit to school on these days.  Please could earrings be removed and longer hair tied back on PE days.  PE kit should include black shorts, a white t-shirt, plimsolls and black tracksuit bottoms or leggings. 

Please also ensure that your child has spare clothing in their bags in case of any toilet accidents. These should be kept in school on your child’s coat peg.


The children will take part in cooking / food preparation activities throughout this term, learning a range of useful life skills linked to cooking.  Food will be consumed in class in our daily snack session. 


Each week your child’s homework will be to complete 30 minutes of Reading Eggs which is assessed and monitored weekly and a task on School Jam, a Maths App linked to Power Maths.

Children will read daily in school as part of their RWI lesson, and we ask that they also read at home three times a week with diaries being read and signed each time.  This will help your child to receive their reading sticker, also each Friday, each class will be competing for the reading trophy in celebration assembly - the more children that read 3 times a week the more chance we have of winning!

If you have any queries in regard to this homework, please don't hesitate to speak to Mrs Howes or Mrs Barnard.