Acle Academy awarded for outstanding relationships education

Acle Academy has been recognised for its commitment to promoting, healthy, equal and respectful relationships by education charity Tender.
The school has been recognised with Tender’s flagship RE:SET Healthy Relationship Champion Setting Award.
RE:SET is a long term, whole school programme which supports schools to embed positive attitudes and behaviours based on equality and compassion.
Working alongside their Tender Mentor, Acle Academy have effectively engaged staff, students and parents to achieve sustainable change.
Michelle Thompson, Programme Manager for Tender East, said: “We’re so proud of all the staff and students at Acle for their commitment and enthusiasm for the RE:SET programme.
‘It’s never been more important to equip young people with the tools to challenge harmful attitudes and build healthy friendships. This programme supports them at every level of the school community, embedding positive values that can last a lifetime.”
Helen Watts, Principal Acle Academy, said: “The RE:SET programme has made a huge impact across our school. With Tender’s support, we’ve seen significant change among all age groups. Our young ambassadors have not only been empowered to champion healthy behaviours built on equality and respect but also to challenge misogyny and harmful attitudes. Our teachers and parents have the confidence to explore these issues effectively.
“We are especially proud of the permanent mural on our science block which the young people designed following the work they did with Tender. It is a lasting legacy to the importance of helping young people have healthy, happy relationships.”