Acle Academy is a thriving secondary school for 11-16 year olds, located in the heart of the Norfolk Broads and serving 500 children and their families. We strive to create well-rounded, responsible individuals who seize opportunities, discover their passions and love to learn throughout life. Acle Academy has a strong academic reputation.
Congratulations to Olivia D, Alfie C, Ellie H, Benas, Ebony, Joyce, Caleb, Sayaki, Leo P-B, Charlie F, Isaac M, Oliver B, Lilly D, Eden, Lucia, Michaela, Jake W, Lorna, Alexander W, Aaron, Freya H, Axl, Joshua S, Aleisha, George M, Foxe, Tilly M, Mariia, Noah D, Charlotte Y, Riley B, Riley F, George B, Riley C, Amber D, Ryan S, Ollie, Evie H, Emmeline, Oscar L, George J, Lewis K, Jack B, Finley B, Nancy, Abigail, Tyrell, Rosie T, Chad, Aleksander, Gracie P, Jacob W-B, Everest, Amber C, James M, Felicity, Tom B, Nivani, Brooke D, Basil, James G, Tyler W, Olly L, Noah S, Sam C, Chloe S, David, Frankie B, Freya D, Regan, Olive D, Ava Y, Warren, Blake, Charlie C, Stanley C, Bradley H, Charlie B, Tyler D, Jacob O'H, Annabel and Alexander B-B for their Star of the Week nominations. #acleacademy
9 SepAre you looking for part-time work? We are working with our contractors to provide cleaning job opportunities within our school. If you - or someone you know - might be interested, then you can find out more by following this link >
6 SepZine (Magazine) Club at Norwich Library which might appeal to students with a passion for art and creative writing.
5 SepWell done to our Year 7s for a fantastic first day at Acle Academy, and to our Year 11s for a great start to such an important year. We look forwarding to welcoming Years 8, 9 and 10 tomorrow. #acleacademy
4 SepOn Thursday 11th July, seven poetry-loving students enjoyed a great day out at the UEA. Our students were invited to perform a poem of their choice in front of around 100 students from other local schools. They performed a mix of chosen and self-written poetry on the day as well as taking part in a poetry workshop with award winning poet Ty'rone Haughton. It was a brilliant day and our students should be very proud of their performances. #acleacademy #uniofeastanglia
4 SepWe look forward to welcoming Year 7 and Year 11 tomorrow, and Years 8, 9 and 10 on Thursday for the start of the new academic year.
3 SepCongratulations to all our Year 11 students on a fantastic set of results. We are so proud of you all.
22 AugCongratulations Year 11! Results are available to collect from 8.30- 12. We are looking forward to celebrating with you.
22 AugLearner of the Month – June and July 2024 Congratulations to George, who was selected by Mrs. Watts as the June 2024 winner of the Learner of the Month award and to Tilly, who was selected as the winner for July 2024. George and Tilly will receive a £10 Amazon voucher each. #acleacademy #learnerofthemonth
19 Jul