Growing school is providing Outstanding Personal Development for students

Alderman Peel High School is providing Outstanding Personal Development for its students with staff who “help pupils to feel safe, grow in confidence and become more independent”.
Alderman Peel High School is providing Outstanding Personal Development for its students with staff who “help pupils to feel safe, grow in confidence and become more independent”.
That was one of the highlights in a report by Ofsted inspectors who visited the school on 20 and 21 April 2022.
The Overall Effectiveness of the school was rated Good, whilst the school was also rated Good for its Quality of Education, Behaviour and Attitudes and Leadership and Management.
However, it is the rating of Outstanding that has made Headteacher Alastair Ogle particularly proud. He said “This report is testament to the commitment and dedication of all our teachers and staff who work every day, building positive relationships, to provide exceptional levels of care and support to meet the needs of all of our pupils.
“Our ethos and culture alongside skilful teaching focuses on building confidence and giving every child the opportunity to find out what subjects they enjoy and what they are really good at.
“Our personal development framework builds in all the factors young people need to be positive, ambitious, ready for their lives after school and be able to contribute to the community in whatever way that may be.”
To support the personal development framework the school have created a subject called ‘Self and Society’ lessons, which students study every two weeks, incorporating Relationship and Sex Education, Citizenship, Personal Social and Health Education, and Social Moral Spiritual and Cultural Education.
The school also focuses on character development and offers a huge range of extra curricular opportunities, such as trips, clubs and events, as well as the Fundamental British Values, inclusion, equality of provision and careers information, education, advice and guidance.
In their report inspectors also said:
“All pupils are well cared for in this small, friendly and supportive school. Pupils enjoy school life. They are kind to one another. Pupils say. ‘We are one big friendship group.’
‘Pupils are polite and well-mannered” and "Classrooms are calm and orderly."
“Pastoral care is a real strength. If pupils have concerns or need someone to talk to, ‘the hub’ is the place to go.It also provides a haven for the most disadvantaged pupils. Caring and supportive staff help pupils to feel safe, grow in confidence and become more independent.”
“Pupils’ personal development is prioritised. Most of them engage in the exceptional range of well-planned extra-curricular clubs, trips and residential visits provided. They take responsibility for running clubs and events, working in the community, caring for younger pupils and the environment.”
"Pupils respond well to the high expectations staff have of them."
“English and Maths are a strength.”
"Staff build good relations with pupils" and "plan learning that motivates them to learn"
Mr Ogle added: “The fact Alderman Peel High School has doubled in size since 2010, with children joining outside of our catchment area, highlights that we offer a unique learning environment where children are able to be part of a community and make excellent progress. I would like to congratulate every member of staff and thank them for the incredible work they do every day. I would also like to thank our students, our parents and our community who support us so well.”
CEO of The Wensum Trust, Daniel Thrower, said: “I would like to congratulate Alastair and all the teachers and staff at Alderman Peel High School for such a positive Ofsted report. I am particularly proud of the outstanding rating for personal development which underpins our vision at The Wensum Trust to help every child develop into high achieving, confident, healthy and resilient members of the family and wider community; creating a pathway to support their career aspirations, independence and contribution to society.
“I would like to thank everyone for the work they continue to do every day to make Alderman Peel a school the whole community can be proud of.”
Chair of Governors at Alderman Peel, David Riddle, said “The Governors are delighted to see the dedication and hard work by staff and students alike rewarded with this tremendously positive report. The School will go from strength to strength providing great teaching and enriching opportunities for pupils.”
Chair of Trustees for The Wensum Trust, John Smith, said: “Following the recent positive result at Acle High, I am delighted that another Trust school has been rightly recognised for its fantastic work. Well done to all staff involved.”