Hellesdon High School

Our House System

Students in all years are split into 5 houses, each led by a Head of House, and compete in House Competitions throughout the academic year. A trophy is presented to the winning House at the end of each summer term.



Everest Head of House - Mr M King

Pastoral Support Assistant - Miss T Ford


Nevis Head Of House - Mrs C Nickerson & Mr S Bailey

Pastoral Support Assistant - Mr S Bailey


Snowdon Head Of House - Mrs I Kemp

Pastoral Support Assistant - Miss M Auffray


Fuji Head of House - Mr N Cole

Pastoral Support Assistant - Ms L Rowe


Olympus Head of House - Mr M Reid

Pastoral Support Assistant - Mr R Chapman


  • Hellesdon High is a big school - it has over 1400 students! The house system is a way of giving students support in a smaller structure, like a school within a school.  Each house is made up of 10 tutor groups, two in each year group.
  • To provide opportunities for students to participate as part of a team in a variety of shared experiences which are challenging and rewarding (and fun, hopefully!).
  • To encourage and develop teamwork and cooperation; and a sense of loyalty, fellowship and team spirit.
  • To motivate students and encourage their efforts by giving them opportunities to contribute to a team performance across a range of tasks and activities.
  • Cross-curricular competitions should engage students with different talents, interests and abilities and encourage them to make a contribution to House achievement.
  • Houses will work towards a team goal by collecting house points for competitions over the year. The prize: the House Trophy!
  • Students will benefit from supporting one another through achieving and recognising success, and coping with disappointment as a team.


  • House teams compete for points in a number of activities.
  • A trophy is presented to the winning House at the end of the year.
  • Subject departments are asked to organise events, tasks or activities for team competition during the year.
  • Each activity is awarded a tariff of house points, which are distributed between houses depending on their level of success or position in the competition.
  • House points can only be awarded for recognised House activities.


  • House assemblies take place every week, led by Heads of House in order to pass on information, celebrate success, organise teams and deal with other House business.
  • House information for students is displayed on House notice-boards in the cloakrooms, and is also passed on through tutors.

Head of House and Pastoral Support Role

  • Guide
  • Support
  • Signpost (e.g. to Wellbeing)
  • Praise students doing well - Awards
  • Challenge students when needed - Sanctions
  • Oversee application of the staged behaviour system
  • Encourage students to try new things
  • Be a point of contact for students, parents and carers
  • Lead our experienced tutor team, build house team spirit
  • Provide assemblies and tutor time activities that enrich and inspire
  • Work closely with the Heads of Department, SEND and SLT
  • Liaise with external professionals and providers