At Hellesdon High School we insist on full school uniform, the requirements of which are listed below.
- Maroon blazer with school badge
- Black V-neck, woollen jumper/cardigan - (waist-length) with black buttons, may also be worn under the blazer.
*Note: Only Year 10 & 11 students are permitted to wear their black jumper without the blazer. - White collared shirt, long or short-sleeved - no t-shirts, roll-necks or polo shirts and no coloured t-shirts under white shirts. Shirts must be tucked in at all times.
- Maroon/sky-blue school tie
- Smart black trousers - no jeans, leggings/jeggings, hipsters, cropped trousers, zipped pockets, shorts, skinny/tight-fitting or stretch material.
- Smart black skirt - knee-length; no tight-fitting, jersey or stretch material.
- Black shoes - no trainers, boots, high heels, open toes, slip-ons, canvas shoes or plimsolls.
- Socks - Must be plain black or plain white, no brand logos.
- Outside coats must be left in cloakrooms or in lockers and not worn indoors. Hoodies are not permitted on site.
Summer Uniform
In the summer term students are allowed to wear smart black, knee length tailored shorts - no sports shorts, cycle shorts or logos.
PE Kit
- Rugby shirt - Optional
- Sky-blue polo shirt or lightweight round-neck T-shirt
- Plain black shorts
- HHS sports socks
- Trainers or football boots
- HHS black trousers (optional)
- HHS black rain jacket (optional)
Additional compulsory items:
- Craft apron for Science and Art
- Pen, pencil and ruler
- Calculator
- Bag/backpack of suitable size for books and equipment (no handbags or carrier bags)
Swimming Kit (Years 7 & 8)
- Boys - Swimming Shorts (Nothing baggy or unsuitable for swimming)
- Girls - Full Swimsuit, NO Bikinis
- Swimming Hat
- Goggles are recommended but not required
- Plain T-Shirts over their swimming costume/shorts are permitted if students wish to wear them
Sensible Hairstyles
No extreme hairstyles: no shaven heads (fully or partially), tramlines or razor cuts. Natural hair colours only. Please note that the Principals reserve the right to make decisions about the suitability of any student’s hairstyle.
Discreet, light make-up only; no coloured nail varnish or acrylic nails.
Only in moderation. One necklace; one pair of stud earrings; one discreet ring; one simple bracelet and a watch are permitted. Nose studs (not rings) are permitted. All jewellery must be able to be removed for PE.
Facial piercings
These are not allowed and must be removed (including tongues, eyebrows & lips).
Our school uniform is available to purchase from:
Birds of Dereham
Unit D, 13 Yaxham Road, Dereham, NR19 1HB
Tel: 01362 692941
67 Ber Street, Norwich
Tel: 01603 622355
Second-hand uniform sales are held in school on the first Monday of each month.
We strongly recommend that all school uniform and PE kit is labelled with students’ names.
The school retains the right to assess individual appearance and garments as inappropriate at all times.