Hellesdon High School

Tree Planting At HHS

On Friday, 6 January the latest phase of tree planting on Hellesdon High School grounds took place. With the help of staff and students we were able to plant another 50 trees along the fence line of the old golf course.


We planted 5 different varieties including Mountain Ash, Hornbeam and Silver Birch. This batch of trees were provided by the TCV Charity Initiative 'I Dig Trees'. This now takes the total of trees planted on school grounds over the past year to over 150.


Mr Life would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to Mr Gardiner, Miss Belal, Mrs Cartledge-Lawn, Mr White, Ms Kemp and Mrs Ould Zaouche for their assistance in making sure we got them all planted before the light completely disappeared. Also a ‘big thanks’ to the four Year 8 students pictured - Olivia M, Willow G, Devon B and Robin B-C who assisted with the digging, planting and covering.