Hellesdon High School

The Bridge & Our Team

The Bridge

The Bridge is the base for our intervention work, used specifically to benefit our students. We think this is important as we often have specific needs that a regular classroom cannot meet and the slight detachment from the main school building provides a quieter, dedicated safe place for our students when they need it.

Where possible, there will always be someone from our department stationed at the Bridge, should students need to visit. Before and after school, and during break and lunch it is a safe, fully monitored and fun community environment for our students, as well as a space for working, socialising or quiet reflection. During lessons, it is a fully equipped classroom, used specifically for the teaching of smaller groups and support programmes.



Meet the Team

Miss McLellan
Mrs Lowe
Assistant SENDCo
Ms Proffit
Ms Hisgrove
Ms Flegg
Mrs Fox
Mr Leveridge
Miss Lovick
Mrs Swatman
Mrs Phillips
Miss Barnard
Mrs Blythe-Lown
Miss Sparkes
Mr Downing
Miss Johns
Miss Hunter
Miss Hughes