Hellesdon High School

Year 11 Core


  Topic(s) Key content to be learned Assessment

Autumn Term

One fitness-based lesson and two activities from:

Boys: Football, Table Tennis, Basketball, Lacrosse

Girls: Netball, Basketball, Football


Improving fitness levels through different methods of training and refining pacing strategies.

Refining skills and tactics associated with each activity. How to stay active in sport.

Students are not assessed in core PE at KS4.

Spring Term

Boys and Girls: Cross Country

One fitness-based lesson and two activities from:

Boys: Table Tennis, Football, Volleyball

Girls: Football, Badminton, Volleyball

Improving fitness levels through different methods of training and refining pacing strategies.
Refining skills and tactics associated with each activity. How to stay active in sport.
Students are not assessed in core PE at KS4.

Summer Term

Students are provided with a free choice of activities in the lead up to exams. 

Activities include:
Football, basketball, tennis, rounders, softball

Refining skills and tactics associated with each activity. How to stay active in sport.




Students are not assessed in core PE at KS4.