Heather Avenue Earns the Carer Friendly Tick Award

Heather Avenue Infant School are awarded Caring Together's Carer Friendly Tick Award, in recognition of their work to identify and support young carers.
Our school is delighted to have been awarded the Carer Friendly Tick Award and to be playing a part of Caring Together's nationwide effort to raise awareness of young carers.
Definition of a 'Young Carer'
A young carer is anyone under the age of 18 who cares, unpaid, for a family member or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and who cannot cope without their support.
Tasks and responsibilities may vary from day to day and support will look different in every household. For example, some children at our school may help family members at home by tidying up and cleaning, or by helping out at meal times and by watering the plants.
"We pledge to show additional kindness and support to all our Young Carers and to recognise the incredible role they play in their homes - we believe they are superheroes!"
- MS Coleman, Headteacher
We believe it's important for schools to celebrate the work of young carers and to maintain close relationships with them and their families, in order to ensure that we offer them the best possible support. Running activities for our young carers also offers children the opportunity to play and interact with other children that may share some of their responsibilities at home.
"With three in five of us likely to be a carer at some stage in our lives, we are seeing more and more organisations in our communities recognising the importance of identifying and supporting carers of all ages. We want to congratulate Heather Avenue Infant School and thank them for the work that they are doing, which makes a real difference to carers."
- Andy McGowan, Head of Carer Services at Caring Together
Useful Links
- Please click here to view our school's Young Carers Agreement
- For more information about the Carer Friendly Tick Award, please visit the Caring Together website.
- If you have any queries relating to young carers, please contact our Champion for Carers, Mrs Muff on office@heatheravenue.norfolk.sch.uk
- Please visit the Awards section of our website to view all Heather Avenue Infant School's current awards