Garrick Green

Infant School

15th April 2024 Emerald, Teal & Sage

Magnificent Monarchs and a hairy yeti


Don’t forget that PE days are back to normal - 

Emerald Monday & Tuesday

Teal Tuesday & Thursday

Sage Monday & Thursday



Year 1

This week we have been recapping the “y” sound that makes an “ie”. We have been reading and writing words like my, shy, spy, fry, cry, try. This weeks spellings are:












Year 2

This week we have been recapping silent letters and focusing on silent h. Here are this week’s spellings…









centimetre (cm)

metre (m)



On the first day of school the children came into the classroom to discover some large snowy footprints. After thinking about what could have left them we discovered a letter from a sad, lonely Yeti who was struggling to make friends. We worked together to a make a set of rules for friendship to share with the Yeti. We have thought about adjectives to describe the yeti such as angriest, scariest, hairiest, friendliest, tallest, fiercest. We also had a visit from the yeti and gave them advice on how to make friends. 



Year 1

This week we have continued to practise our counting in tens. We used towers of 10 cubes to measure different objects and counted in tens to find out how long they were. We have read the tens numbers - 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100. Then we have compared tens numbers to see which is greater than or less than another. Finally this week we have used what we know to add and subtract 10 from numbers. For example 50 + 10 =........     80 - 10 =........



Practise counting in tens so you are really confident. Can you count backwards from 100 in 10s? 

Can you start counting in 10s from 40?

Here is a link to a counting in 10s song you might like:


You can also use the 100 splat square to count forwards and backwards in 10s.


Year 2

This week we have been learning how to add 2 two-digit numbers where the ones cross 10. Children have been shown how to do this pictorially and through equations and have been using the strategy they find easiest. Here is an example…


This method is drawn pictorially using tens and ones. When there are more than 9 ones in the ones column we exchange 10 ones for 1 ten. 


This method partitions the tens and ones. We use our knowledge of relative facts to add the tens (4+2=6 so 40+20=60) and then combine the tens and ones back together.


Next we moved on to subtracting. We started by subtracting 10s from a 2 digit number, then subtracting a 2 digit number from another 2 digit number. Here are some examples…


46 - 20 = 26

40 - 20 = 20 

6 - 0 = 6

20 and 6 is 26


57 - 34 = 23

50 - 30 = 20

7 - 4 = 3

20 and 3 is 23


History Project - Magnificent Monarchs 

Our first summer project is a history project called Magnificent Monarchs (please find the knowledge organiser attached). This week we have learnt about how power in the monarchy has changed over the years, learnt about Buckingham Palace and explored royal portraits.




This half term the theme is ‘Relationships’. We will be thinking about our families and what it means to belong, types of physical contact, resolving conflicts, good and bad secrets and appreciating others. 

PSHE – Jigsaw | Howden Junior School




This term we are focusing on Judaism with the theme, ‘Shabbat’. Over the next few weeks we will be thinking about the question, ‘Is Shabbat important to Jewish children?’