Garrick Green

Infant School

29th January 2024 Emerald, Teal & Sage

Beach Huts & things we are scared of....


Year 1

This week year 1 have been recapping the u_e digraphs, ue/ee/u_e. Here are this week’s spellings…











Year 2

This week we have been recapped the /k/ sound and when we need the ck or k spelling. In one syllable words with a short vowel sound words usually end with a ck. In one syllable words with a longer vowel sound words usually end with a k. Here are this week’s spellings… 












We will also be learning about irregular past tense verbs and how they change. Here are some examples…

come / came

dig / dug

get / got

have / had

say / said

throw / threw

run / ran



This week we started the week with an unusual ‘thing’ appearing in the classrooms covered in warning signs. We learnt about different sentence types and sorted these out then asked questions about the ‘thing’ in the classroom.

We then learnt about homophones- words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings.

We started to read Bear Under the Stairs by Helen Cooper and learnt that William in the story is scared of a bear under the stairs! 

The children thought about things they were scared of and used conjunctions to talk about why they are no longer scared of these things. I was scared of _____ but / however / until / because.

We also wrote letters to William and year 2 focused on spelling tricky words and using contracted words. 



Year 1

This week year 1 have been doubling and halving. Children have used Numicon to find doubles and made doubles using tens frames and counters. We have learnt that halving is the opposite of doubling. At home you could have a go at finding doubles up to 5 and half up to 10. For example- what’s double 3? What’s half of 6? Remind children that they can use their fingers to help with this. 

As an extra challenge they could record these as number sentences.


Year 2

This week is all about the 10 and 5 times tables. We have been counting in 10s upto 120 and 5s up to 60 to support us with this. We have been using lots of practical resources such as 10p coins, 10 Numicon & 10 sticks, 5p coins & 5 Numicon as well as pictures to help us with this. Then we used this to help us solve simple problems and equations for x10 and x5.


Why not have a go at Topmark daily 10 - level 2, x2 x5 x10 multiplication at home? 


D&T Project - Beach Huts

Over the next couple of weeks the children will be looking at different style beach huts and designing their own. They have investigated how to make strong joints and corners and designed their own beach hut. Next week we will all be making the facade of a beach hut.